View from Middle Belt Rd
Approaching the church entrance
expect a warm greeting with coffee and snacks
girls light a candle at the altar on mother’s day
A time to see God’s word unfold in the lives of our children

Pastor gives mother’s day message
View from prayer room toward rear classrooms
All our classrooms have snacks following the service
All our classrooms have snacks following the service
All our classrooms have snacks following the service

All our classrooms have snacks following the service
At Clarenceville our children learn how Jesus saved the world
At Clarenceville Church our children are taught and fed both spiritually and physically
Our rooms are safe and clean and our staff will love them like their own

Our rooms are safe and clean and our staff will love them like their own
View from Welcome center toward classrooms
Prayer is how we communicate with God and we believe strongly without prayer we are lost
View from classrooms toward welcome center
View from church parkinglot
View of the church as you exit the parking lot
CUMC collects donations for their food ministry, Pantry Plus
CUMC meets regularly for a volunteer reading program
CUMC continues to help the youth in the community learn how to read

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