Core beliefs of Christianity are foundational beliefs of the Christian faith such as God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Salvation, the Bible, etc.
They are the universal non-negotiable beliefs upon which the faith of every Christian stands and by which the Christian faith is characterized.
Not deep theology, Core BELIEFS 101 AND Core PRACTICES 101 are easily grasped by new believers who are wondering what their next steps should be, or what being a Christian looks like. Both of these classes are required for membership in the church.
Core BELIEFS and Core PRACTICES are also for those with questions about the Christian faith who have yet to decide whether or not they are ready to commit their life to Christ. This class provides a solid foundation for those new to or still considering the Christian faith.
Have you recently decided to embrace the Christian life?
Are you looking for answers to your questions before making a decision?
This class is a good place to start your journey.